
Collection III


Vanessa Granda

Janice Tran
Ryan Scails

Sachiko Earle Clyde

Makeup and Hair:
Maya Rene

A young Asian woman is laughing and wearing a pistachio color bandana and beige dress.
A pistachio green bandana waves in front of a Black man wearing the same bandana around his neck.
A woman with long black hair is standing facing away from the camera, with her elbow casually resting on a man's shoulder. He is sitting on a stool. They are both wearing lounge wear and wearing the same bandana, but in different colors.
A Black man and Vietnamese woman wearing lounge clothes and matching bandanas.
A man looking at the camera, and the back of a woman's head. Both people are wearing the same mauve toned bandana.
A Black man and Asian woman laughing while wearing the same bandana in different colors. The woman has her arms around the man.
Back view of a woman with long black hair wearing an earthy pink printed bandana and a jacket in the same shade.
Black male wearing a block printed earthy pink bandana with a white jacket.
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